Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Desember

THEOSEBIA: Journal of Theology, Christian Religious Education, and Psychospiritual, Volume 1, Issue 2, presents a collection of scholarly articles focusing on the study of theology, Christian religious education, and psychospirituality. This edition features the latest research and in-depth analyses aimed at enriching academic understanding and practical applications in these fields.
The articles in this issue are academic reflections from authors with diverse scholarly backgrounds. Each paper has undergone a rigorous peer-review process to ensure its quality and scholarly contribution to the study of theology, Christian religious education, and psychospirituality.
As an academic journal, THEOSEBIA is committed to being a credible reference source for academics, educators, theologians, and practitioners in understanding the relationship between theology, faith education, and the psychospiritual aspects of religious life.
We hope this edition serves as a valuable reference for readers while also opening opportunities for academic discussions and collaborations in the future. We extend our gratitude to the authors, reviewers, and all those who contributed to the publication of this issue.
We invite readers to continue following future editions of THEOSEBIA Journal and to participate in the development and dissemination of knowledge.
Happy reading!
Pastoral Konseling Sebagai Strategi Misi dalam Pengembangan Spiritual Jemaat GERMITA Pintu Elok Lahu
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Abstract Views: 2 times | PDF Download: 0 times | Published: 2024-12-31
Misiologi Kristen dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan di Tengah Krisis Ekologi Global
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Abstract Views: 4 times | PDF Download: 7 times | Published: 2024-12-31
Integrasi Kearifan Lokal dalam Liturgi: Misi Inklusif melalui Penggunaan Bahasa Sangihe
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Abstract Views: 4 times | PDF Download: 3 times | Published: 2024-12-31
Misi Kristen dalam Melestarikan dan Memanfaatkan Budaya Mapalus sebagai Sarana Moderasi Beragama di Minahasa
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Abstract Views: 1 times | PDF Download: 5 times | Published: 2024-12-31
Menyembuhkan Jiwa yang Lelah: Konseling Pastoral bagi Guru yang Mengalami Burnout
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Abstract Views: 1 times | PDF Download: 0 times | Published: 2024-12-31
Transformasi Narapidana: Pastoral Konseling sebagai Kunci Pemulihan dan Reintegrasi ke Masyarakat
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Abstract Views: 3 times | PDF Download: 3 times | Published: 2024-12-31